My Goals for the HNGi8 Internship

I just found out I have been accepted to take part in the HNG Internship organized by ( It is a fast-paced remote internship that offers growing developers, designers the chance to improve on any stack for free. It is very much anticipated every year because it has helped transform lots of people from novice to Intermediate and the likes. One of the upsides to HNG Internship is the room it gives for collaboration. It grooms you on how to collaborate with others which is very important for efficient and effective work.


Well this year, I'd like to be on the receiving end of this transformation. I'm currently registered for the Mobile track, I'd like to improve on my knowledge in this section. My primary goal in taking part in this Internship is to build things over the next eight weeks and try to be consistent.

The bigger goal will be to secure a job at the end. But for now I'd stick to sharpening these skills and getting them ready to build products for the future.

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